Blair Witch: Bared it all!


“I know its been a while since I have written anything. Its partly due to procrastination and partly due to personal commitments. Nonetheless I had been following 2016’s movies, games, books and music. I just never got back to writing as much as I did before. I had a baby boy couple of months back, had a job change where I have to travel close to 4 hours a day, if that doesn’t explain why I wasn’t writing, I don’t know what will. I was haunted by the fact that I couldn’t write, so here’s to 2017 being a fruitful year….hopefully.

Let me start with a movie from my favorite genre: Horror.”

The Blair Witch Project was a movie that I so fondly remember watching in my early teens and getting scared shitless. The grandaddy of the found footage genre, there was something creepy about the movie and its ambiguous ending that gave me sleepless nights. I almost believed their ‘missing students’ marketing campaign that gave all the more chills watching the movie. Only after an year or so, I found out that it was one of the finest marketing campaigns ever and the actors/students were all alive and kicking and probably laughing at us. The joke was on us, but hey, it was well worth it. Continue reading Blair Witch: Bared it all!